Home remedy for high blood pressure

What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is a measurement of the force of your blood on the walls of your arteries. Blood travels through your arteries from your heart to various bodily regions.

The course of the day will see changes in your blood pressure. If the blood pressure remains elevated, it is considered to be high blood pressure.

Your blood pressure can be measured using one of two methods:

Systolic blood pressure, a measurement of the force your heart applies to your arteries,

Diastolic blood pressure, which measures the amount of artery pressure between heartbeats,

When your blood pressure is measured, the systolic blood pressure reading is on top, and the diastolic reading is at the bottom.

High blood pressure home cure

More movement

Regular exercise can improve your quality of life, lower your risk of health problems, and improve your sleep. However, did you know that increasing your physical activity may also aid in blood pressure management?

2.5 hours per week of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure.

Even if you are unable to start right away, integrating any additional activity in your routine is an essential first step.

Start by making minor changes. Put your automobile a bit farther away from the store. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a quick walk after dinner. Each of these improves general health in some way.

Pick foods that are high in potassium.

2,000–4,000 mg of potassium per day can help lower blood pressure, according to Linda Van Horn, Ph.D., R.D., a professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Why? because the food encourages the kidneys to produce more salt excretion through urination. However, despite bananas' well-known high potassium content, potatoes, spinach, and beans actually contain more potassium per serving. Tomatoes, avocados, edamame, melons, and dried fruits are additional top sources.

Consume garlic water.

Garlic water is a natural method to lower blood pressure since it promotes the production of nitric oxide. This gas has a strong vasodilator effect that improves blood flow and lowers heart rate.

Garlic is also great for maintaining cardiovascular health because it has tremendous antioxidant properties that protect the blood vessels.

There are many methods to ingest garlic, including infusing it into water to sip on throughout the day.

lowering of tension

Some people could benefit from relaxation techniques if anxiety or stress are elements that contribute to elevated blood pressure readings. Additionally effective treatments include tailored cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, acupuncture, and meditation.

Reduce your salt consumption.

Salt's main ingredient, sodium, has the power to attract water into your blood vessels, enhancing blood flow. Your blood vessels' internal pressure will rise as a result, raising blood pressure. You should consume as little sodium as possible each day to prevent hypertension or high blood pressure.


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