How to relieve heartburn fast without medicine
Contrary to what the name would imply, heartburn has nothing to do with your heart. Instead, the 10-inch tube separating your mouth from your stomach is causing a burning feeling in your chest as a result of stomach acid backing up into it.
The duration of heartburn can range from a few minutes to several hours, and it can happen at any moment. In either scenario, it is uncomfortable, so it seems logical that you would want to find a quick fix.
Consume alkaline foods, such as ripe bananas.
Bananas have a high potassium content, making them a fruit that tends to be alkaline.. Additionally, since gastric acid may irritate your esophagus, this may be beneficial, according to the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.
Given that they are less alkaline, contain more starch, and for some people, may even aggravate acid reflux, unripe bananas should be avoided. Therefore, make sure to choose a ripe banana.
Biological Therapies
When you eat licorice, for example, your body might produce more mucus to provide a stronger protection against stomach acid. Ginger and chamomile help support and soothe your digestive system.
Do not Wear Tight Clothes
Taking the right medication will undoubtedly make you feel better if you have acid reflux. The good news is that acid reflux can be prevented if you stop wearing tight clothing. I suppose that it is the truth. Although it is not advisable, you can dress however you want.
The main justification for this is because wearing restrictive garments may make already severe GERD symptoms more worse. Attacks from acid reflux could dramatically rise in number. Wearing tight bottoms or belts will strain your abdomen, so stay away from them.
As a result, there will be a sharp increase in the risk of heartburn. If you do have symptoms of acid reflux, dress comfortably and loosely. You will experience more ease and comfort as a result.
Avoid lying down after eating.
Despite any temptation that may arise after eating, Dr. Mehdizadeh advises against lying down for two to three hours after eating. Make an effort to eat your last meal a few hours before going to bed as usual and plan accordingly.
Blend made with melon
Due to the fruit is high magnesium content and moderate alkalinity, melon smoothies are an excellent at-home remedy for heartburn. Magnesium helps to reduce stomach acid and any burning sensations and is actually a pretty common element in antacid medications. Melons' high fiber content promotes the growth of good intestinal bacteria and regular bowel movements, both of which are crucial for the health of the digestive system.
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